What reports do you have to export data for Autocross?

The most commonly used autocross reports are in the   Attendee + Assignments section of  Reports.
  • AxWare Event Export (PAX + Class) - Timing and scoring export for AxWare (current)
  • AxWare Event Export (Class + PAX) - Timing and scoring export for AxWare (legacy)
  • AxWare Member Export (PAX + Class) - Timing and scoring export for AxWare (current)
  • AxWare Member Export (Class + PAX) - Timing and scoring export for AxWare (legacy)

The AxWare reports are unique in that both translate the headers from our internal names (like "Amount" for payments) to AxWare-required headers (e.g., "Amnt."). Without these specialized headers, AxWare will fail to import your data.

AxWare will import a tab-separated file, so export the file as a .tsv file type (tab separated value). If you need to, you can rename it as a .txt file type after you've exported it.

To assist with those AxWare users who take online payments, we mark attendees who paid online as "PrePaid" under the "Method" field to help differentiate people who pay online vs. those who pay at the venue. 

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