Why does my dashboard show more entries than my reports or public attendees list?

There are a few different reason your dashboard may be showing more entries than your reports or public attendee list. Below are links to each troubleshooting topic related to this issue.

Causes for mismatched dashboard counts

  • An extra inventory item is checked in a package

  • Attendee(s) have an extra package in their registration

  • Admin adjustments to a registration

  • Incorrectly nested assigners (attendees appear twice in reports or attendee list)

Check for incorrect inventory mapping

    1. Pull the event revenue, packages & inventory report 
    2. Review your entries to find the package that doesn't match the correct inventory items.

    3. Settings → Registration Form → Select the package that was incorrectly mapped from the Parts Bin

    4. Uncheck incorrect inventory item → Save 

      Video Tutorial

Attendees with too many packages in their registration

  1. Pull the event revenue, packages & inventory report 
  2. Review your entries to find attendees with too many packages in their registration
  3. Open attendee's registration →  Remove the extra package 

If an attendee has an additional package in their account, it's usually caused by an manual adjustment to a registration or if there is a package defaulting on the registration form. Review your reg form under settings to ensure there are no unintended defaulting packages. 

Admin adjustments to a registration

Manual adjustments to a registration can cause package and assignment details to become mismatched. 

To locate & resolve this issue:

    1. Create a new attendee's + assignments report → Include order totals (under edit tab of report)
    2. Compare the group or class column to the packages to find the any don't match

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

  1. Correct the assignment/package combination for attendees

    You'll need to open and update each registration that you found was off in your reports.