White Label Instructions
- Once logged in to your MSR organizer account, click "settings" in the left column, and then click "White Label Website" under the General heading.

- Select your white label site's hostname. This will be the URL that is used to access your site. Once active, all of your organization's event listings will populate on this page.

- Click "Add a New Theme"

- Name your theme, provide a description, upload your organization's logo, select your brand colors and optionally upload a background image for your white label header. If an image is not added, your header will be whatever color code is added to the "Background Color" field.
- *Hint - Colors need to be entered as 6-digit HEX codes. If you aren't sure what the HEX code is for the color you'd like to use, check out https://htmlcolorcodes.com/colors/ to find the HEX code for any color.

- Save your theme and check it out using the URL you created in step 2! Here is what we created above.