Where do I find SpeedWaiver event waivers?

You can view an entire list of everyone who has signed waivers through SpeedWaiver directly in the Attendees list. Here's how it works:

  • Column “Is waiver signed?” will display as “Signed” when a person has signed their waiver via SpeedWaiver or a waiver page number has been entered in check-in or “Not signed” if they have not yet signed a waiver.
  • Filter “Participant Category” allows you to include Guests in the Attendees list. Guests are people who signed a waiver with SpeedWaiver but do not match the name of a registered attendee.
  • There are SpeedWaiver columns you can add to the Attendees list to include details about the waiver such as a download link, photo link, etc.
  • If a person signs a waiver with the same name as a registration, these columns will display the status of their e-waiver.

You can also view your speedwaivers within Settings > Tools > SpeedWaivers

If the status is pending, that means that they have been sent the SpeedWaiver, but have yet to sign it. 

Event waivers will show up on this screen within 14 days of your event.