SpeedWaiver - Using computer to complete

Congratulations!  You've successfully registered for an event and now it's time to electronically sign your SpeedWaiver.

SpeedWaiver requires you to have access to a phone that can receive text messages.  If you don't have a phone and are using someone else's or if your phone is an older version, you can still complete the SpeedWaiver by using your computer but it must have a webcam to do so.

The steps to complete your SpeedWaiver via computer is:

  • Click on the SpeedWaiver link that the organization sends you
  • Enter your name and phone number
  • You will then receive a text with an additional link
  • Write down the link text exactly as it appears in the text and type it into the computer's URL (You can also copy the link from the phone and paste it into an email that you can send to yourself, if easier for you!)
  • Follow prompts to complete - including allowing computer to access webcam to take your photo.
Note: If you are using someone else's phone or computer - don't worry!  The SpeedWaiver attaches to your email address so the use of any other device is completely safe.