SpeedWaiver for Stoneridge, Instructions


1.    Submit your enrollment for SpeedWaiver at https://speedwaiver.com/stoneridge

2.    Allow the MotorsportReg/SpeedWaiver team 2-business days to activate your account. If there is urgency for this to be completed sooner, please email onboarding@motorsportreg.com to alert our team.

3.    Once your activation email has arrived, use the links to visit MotorsportReg.com. Here you can login and create your first event!

Creating an Event

1.    Log into MotorsportReg and the Organizer Dashboard.

2.    Select the Events tab and (Add basic calendar listing), Add new event for MSR Premium customers

3.    Fill out the Basic Calendar Listing template (Figure 1)

a.    Event Type: Discipline of the event

b.    Track/Venue: Location the event takes place/org name if annual

c.    Event Name (optional)

d.    Event Visible: Waiver-only events should always be listed Private, share only the SpeedWaiver link to participants

e.    Start and End dates: Beginning and End of waiver validity

Note: Waivers will not generate if you backdate the Start date, must be today’s date or a future date.

4.    Save your event listing and share the SpeedWaiver link that generates on the right.(Figure 2)

5.    Generate QR Codes can be used to print off a QR code link to your waiver. Post this at in-person registration for participants to sign their waiver at the event.

Note: Default waivers require a text message – they receive their unique waiver link through the text message to complete. Cell service will be required to complete waivers at the event location.

It is highly recommended to have participants sign their waivers in advance of the event in case cell-service is spotty at the event location.

Collecting Signed Waivers

1.    Log into MotorsportReg and the SpeedWaiver page

a.    Settings→ Tools → SpeedWaiver

2.    Use the Filters to sort waivers by Event or Date Signed – this will be a matter of preference (Figure 3)

3.    View the completed waivers themselves by clicking the Download PDF link on their waiver line. (Figure 4)

4.    The Status line will indicate that a participant completed the waiver process (took a photo, signed the waiver), but it does not automatically verify that waiver is correct. You will want to view the actual waiver to ensure it is completed correctly and the person at the event matches the photo/signature on the waiver.

Customizing Options

Configure your SpeedWaiver page in the Settings for the best experience for you and your registrars. The Filters will sort your waivers by Signed Status, Event, Valid, or Date.

Columns can be used to show only the information which matters to your event. Drag & drop the columns in an easier to manage order.

The Arrow-Box button can be used to download your waivers if you require a physical copy. It will download any/all currently displayed on your page, so use the search and filters to limit which ones you need. (Figure 5)

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4:

Figure 5:


Q: How do I access my SpeedWaiver account?

  • SpeedWaiver is a Hagerty l MotorsportReg product, meaning you will access SpeedWaiver via www.motorsportreg.com
  • Once you sign-up for SpeedWaiver you’ll be emailed your login credentials. Note that you’ll need to set a new password the first time you login. Once you have your login credentials, simply visit  www.motorsportreg.com and sign in. Be sure to select your organization name and click “organizer dashboard” in order to access the administrator navigation. 

Q: How do my event participants access the event waiver?

  • You can share the link generated above with your event’s participants via email, social media, or your website. Additionally, you can print the unique QR code generated to allow participants to quickly access and complete the event waiver on site. 

Q: How will I know if a participant has completed their event waiver? How do I know that their waiver is valid?

  • Once your participant has completed their waiver, they will receive a confirmation screen with your organization's name, the event location, the event dates, and their photo. A link to this confirmation will also be sent to them via text message from 833-670-1070.  If they are able to provide this screen, you can be 100% confident that their waiver has in fact been signed. Simply verify that the person in the photo is the person checking in, and you are all set. There is no way for a participant to get the confirmation screen unless they have acknowledged and signed the waiver. 
  • You can also look up signed waivers from your account anytime by clicking Settings -> SpeedWaiver and using the search function at the top of the page.