Are you looking to sort and categorize your attendees, perhaps what class or group they are participating in? Our batch dashboards (aka Registrations > Attendees and Entries) screens can do exactly that. For the best use of current MSR features, be sure you are using our modern navigation. It is represented in the examples below.
Sorting Attendees:
In this example we have sorted by Attendee Status by clicking on the column name at the top. Registrations in this event are default to New. When our registrar has reviewed and approved them, their status is changed to Confirmed.

Sorting Entries:
Entries goes a step more in-depth to include vehicle information such as year-make-model, class they are running, and vehicle number. Since this is a track day event, I sorted by Group to find out how many Novice (Nov) drivers are registered versus how many Advanced (Adv).

- You can sort by multiple columns using (Shift + Left Click) to categorize entries by multiple criteria
- The Views button to the right can be used to save your format + screen to easily return to this sort in any event.
- Download your customized list using the Download arrow/box button to the right

Check out our how-to video on the MotorsportReg Support YouTube channel: