Self-Service Memberships and Licenses

When using MotorsportReg credentials, you will be able to display credentials to your participants.

To enable this feature go to Settings > Tools > Membership & Credentials.

Admins with Write permissions will be able to toggle credential visibility and hard card visibility.

Credentials will be displayed in alphabetical order based on the credential name in both Settings and on the attendee profile.

If your organization does not have Hard Cards enabled, the option to make hard cards visible will not be displayed.

Attendee Side

To see credentials attendees will go to their profile on the My Account page and click on Memberships & Credentials

All credentials attendees hold will appear in alphabetical order starting with the organization name, followed by the credential name if there is more than one credential.

All credentials in an approved state will be displayed. Instead of showing Approved as it does on the organizer side, it will display as Active.

As soon as a credential is issued as Approved, it will be displayed to the attendee. There is no lag time.