SCCA Majors Number Pools - Preventing Duplicates with Mapped Groups

Updated for 2024

To prevent duplicates in your events while using a National number pool, you'll need to use the Class Mapping function found in the event segment.

Link to National's numbers

  1. Event Settings > Segments
  2. Click the segment name
  3. Use the drop-down to set Number Config to the public pool for your division 
  4. In the Class section, select the classes participating in your event.
  5. In the Group section, select the groups for your event. The group names do not need to match National's group names.
  6. Click Save Segment.
  7. In the Class Mappings section, next to each class select which group it should be included in.

Note: If the classes are not mapped to a group, the number pool will not display reserved numbers allowing duplicates to occur.

If reserved numbers are still not populating correctly, check the class names (Settings > Classes) to make sure they match SCCA National's classes exactly: