Attendee Status Graphics
Registration status, also displayed as Attendee status, helps quickly identify information about a specific registration.
Confirmed. Someone has reviewed and confirmed this registration. Uses the small green check in small form: |
Checked In. Indicates attendee has checked in at the event. Uses the green check in small form: |
New. Every registration defaults to new to await your review. Uses the yellow star in small form: |
Waitlist Confirmed. Same as confirmed but this registration is on the waitlist. Uses the green hourglass in small form: |
On Hold. There are some questions about this registration or you are waiting for additional information before confirming them. Uses the yellow question mark in small form: |
Waitlist New. Same as new but for when the person has been automatically placed on the waitlist and is awaiting your review. Uses the yellow hourglass in small form: |
Cancelled. This person canceled their registration. Uses the red X in small form: |
No Show. This person did not show up and did not cancel in advance. Helps to identify difficult registrants and in applying refund policies. Also uses the red X in small form: |
Declined. This person is not welcome at your event. Also uses the red X in small form: |
Deleted. This person has been removed from your event. Also uses the red X in small form: Note: If any payment information was processed on their registration, they will not disappear from your Attendees page. |
These graphics may be similar to, but are different from member status which does not change from event to event.