Registration status, what do they mean?

Attendee Status Graphics

Registration status, also displayed as Attendee status, helps quickly identify information about a specific registration.

Confirmed. Someone has reviewed and confirmed this registration. Uses the small green check in small form: 

Checked In. Indicates attendee has checked in at the event. Uses the green check in small form: 

New. Every registration defaults to new to await your review. Uses the yellow star in small form: 

Waitlist Confirmed. Same as confirmed but this registration is on the waitlist. Uses the green hourglass in small form: 

On Hold. There are some questions about this registration or you are waiting for additional information before confirming them. Uses the yellow question mark in small form: 

Waitlist New. Same as new but for when the person has been automatically placed on the waitlist and is awaiting your review. Uses the yellow hourglass in small form: 

Cancelled. This person canceled their registration. Uses the red X in small form: 

No Show. This person did not show up and did not cancel in advance. Helps to identify difficult registrants and in applying refund policies. Also uses the red X in small form: 

Declined. This person is not welcome at your event. Also uses the red X in small form: 

Deleted. This person has been removed from your event. Also uses the red X in small form: 

Note: If any payment information was processed on their registration, they will not disappear from your Attendees page.

These graphics may be similar to, but are different from member status which does not change from event to event.