Prep Shop Registration

Frequently Prep Shop crew show up at Registration and do not know the driver they are crewing for. This makes the task of checking them in difficult. In order to simplify that for everyone, Sue Green of the SCCA Central Division came up with this workflow process: 

In the organization Settings:

In the Event

  • Set up a segment for Prep Shop and check the prep shop classes and group. Map the classes to the group.
  • On the registration form→Parts Bin, create a $0 Prep Shop package and corresponding Prep Shop assigner (under Collect Entry Details, check class). 
  • Add that to your Form Layout (nesting the assigner underneath the package) as one of the registration options.

On the Prep Shop side:

  • The individual crew member registers like anyone else (setting up a new account if it is their first time). In some cases the manager of the prep shop sets up everyone's account under 1 email and then registers all of the crew that is working on a particular weekend.
  • In either case, they select their prep shop from the class drop-down list during the registration process.

At the Event

  • When they arrive at Registration, pull up the crew by name. 
  • They do not need to be listed as Crew on a driver's registration.