Post Registration Editing

There are times when registrations may need to be edited. Event organizers always have the ability to edit/update an attendee's registration. They may additionally configure the event so that attendees can edit their own registrations. 

Attendees may only edit a registration after they have registered if  post-registration editing is set to "yes" on the Basic Settings Page

Event Organizers can edit attendee registrations regardless of this setting. There are 2 methods of editing a registration  after an attendee has registered:

  • Editing using the form, and 
  • Directly editing the registration. 

Editing the Registration Using the Form

For organizers, updating a registration by using the option to edit registration using form is our recommended best practice:

When you use the form to edit a registration, the connection between the assignments and packages is preserved. 

Directly Editing the Registration

There are impacts of directly editing the registration form IF there will be further edits/updates to registrations: 

  • If you directly edit the registration (making changes to assignments or packages), changes you make may lose their connection to the registration form and will not show up on the registration form if either the attendee or the organizer edits the registration using the form in the future. 
  • Entry Products/Assignments
    • This is true even if you are using entry products (which is a combo of assignments and packages). 
    • If you delete an assignment and add a new assignment, the new assignment will not be connected to an assigner/entry product on the form (and will not show up as a selected option on the registration form). 
    • HOWEVER, changing a class, group, number or vehicle on an existing registration should not break the connection to the form.

    • But anything else (other packages/entry products or assignments) that you didn't touch would still have their connection to the form.
  • Packages/Basic Products
    • If you add a package/basic entry product, they will not be connected to selections on the form (if you, an event organizer or the attendee go to edit the registration -- using the form).

SPECIAL NOTE:  If you have assignments or packages that aren't on the form (they are only in the Parts Bin and exist for Admin purposes, like an admin adjustment package), you can modify those manually and it won't matter, but you have no way of knowing that difference (which ones are still connected and which ones aren't) by looking at it on the registration page. 

This is one of the reasons we always recommend that event organizers edit using the form -- to preserve those connections. Note that this applies if either the attendee or the organizer will be editing the registration using the form in the future. 

When an attendee or organizer returns to the form, any items that have lost their connection to the registration form will be shown in a yellow box at the top indicating they are locked and require manual organizer modification to make changes.