Welcome to MotorsportReg! Let your members know of this exciting change by sending them an email.
- Event → Registrations → Email Blaster
- Change any of the filtering options and click Compose Message
- In the "To" field, click to show/hide the list
- Paste in your email addresses under Add Additional Recipients
- Enter the Subject as "<insert your organization's name> is now using MSR for event registration!"your email content "Hello there- good news!
Enter your email content:
"This season we'll be using MotorsportReg.com to manage our registrations, making it quick and easy for you to get out to our events.
Our upcoming ______________ (NAME OF EVENT) at ___________ (VENUE) on _________ (DATE) is live online and open for registrations. Here's the link to sign up:
If you don't already have a MotorsportReg account, you will be prompted to create one as part of the registration process. If you have questions about how to use MotorsportReg, email msrhelp@motorsportreg.com and they'll help you out.
If you have questions about the event, contact _________ (CONTACT) at ______ (EMAIL ADDRESS).
See you at the ________ ! (VENUE? EXAMPLE= TRACK)"
- Send Message Now.