How do I change the expiration dates of a membership/license?
Start dates & expiration dates are locked once issued. To revise, cancel the membership then reissue.
How do I delete a membership/license?
Memberships can't be deleted once issued. Instead, you'll want to cancel the membership.
How do I update a member/license number?
- Select the membership >> Edit Details
- Membership ID >> Unlock
- Update the number >> Save
How do I manually issue a member/license number?
If you have auto-incrementing member numbers, you can instead manually issue a specific number by:
- Add a new membership
- Select the member type
- Member ID >> Unlock
- Enter the # you'd like to issue
- Set your start & end dates >> Save
If I manually issue a number will the auto-incrementing numbers skip that number?
Auto-incrementing numbers won't check for duplicates. So be careful when manually issuing numbers and be sure to choose one that won't interfere with the auto-incrementing numbers.