Managing Accounts/Teams (Parent/Child Accounts)

Setting Up Teams in MSR via MSR's Parent/Child Feature

Every attendee begins by creating a profile in MSR that is used to register for events and contains their racing history.  If an attendee has a team manager, parent, or someone else in charge of their racing information, the attendee most likely provided their login information to that "lead" person.  The lead then logged into the attendee's account, registering and paying for them.

As long as the lead has only one attendee's account to manage, it probably isn't too hard to handle.  But if they have to register even one more person, maybe an entire team, that process becomes more difficult to keep accurate records - not to mention how it can be very time-intensive.

MSR has a solution to your dilemma; saving time and effort by collecting all information under one profile. All you need to do is follow the few simple steps located below.  Both the lead and the attendee have a part in this process.  

(Note: MSR calls this feature “parent/child” accounts.  When you see that terminology in MSR or at any time, those terms refer to “parent” as the lead account in this document, “child” as the one that they can manage, the attendee, by creating this relationship between the accounts.)


A lead account can:

  • Register for events on behalf of the attendee.
  • Use their own vehicles, motorcycles and/or reserved numbers when registering an attendee for an event.
  • Manage all details related to the attendee account including email, username, and password.
  • Manage multiple attendees/child (but cannot be a “child” of someone else’s).
  • Register several attendees for a single event and make one payment for all.

An attendee can:

  • Login and register themselves for events (as long as their individual account has a username & password).
  • Be registered for events by the lead.
  • Give and revoke control from the lead account.
  • Can only have one lead managing their account.
  • Will receive the event registration confirmation email for their registered event (if an email address is listed in the attendee account).

Steps to set up the team:


  • Get logged in: 
    • If you have an existing MSR account and prefer to continue to use it (ex: a parent of one attendee) - simply head to Motorsportreg and log into your account.
    • If you do not have an existing MSR account or would like to set a new one up specifically for the team - head to and click on "create free account".  Complete the guided steps to create a profile (can be your name or a set up with the team name, ex: first name as “Motor”, last name as “Sports”).  Example:
  • Once logged in, head to “My Account”.  Click on your/team name to pull up the account.
  • Under Organizations, click on the "Add Membership” button:
  • Scroll down until you see this heading:  All Clubs in
  • Scroll down the list until you find the organization that you're looking for and click on the “add” link to the right of the organization's name.  Repeat this process if there are any other organizations you'd like to add.
  • Once you’re done adding yourself/team to the organization, you will next need to share the account’s email address with your attendees.  The email address is how they will find the account in MSR and link up to it.
  • Note: See below for additional notes for registering your team.


  • Once you have the email address of the lead/parent account, sign in to your MotorsportReg account.
  • Once signed in, you will land on your Dashboard.  Head to the “My Account” tab (double-check that your profile information is correct including your numbers!), then click “Transfer Account”.
  • Enter the email address of the person/team you'd like to transfer control to and click on “transfer account control”:
  • If you are not yet part of any organizations and would add them, under Organizations, click on the “Add Membership” button:
  • On the next page, you’ll see the heading, “Clubs within 300 miles of <zip code>”, scroll down until you see this heading, “All Clubs in”
  • Scroll down a bit further until you find the organization and click on the “add” link located to the right of the organization's name.
  • Follow the prompts to be added to the member database.

Steps to register the team:


Once the team members have found your account/team and have added you/it as the lead account: 

  • Log into MSR
  • Under the "My Account" tab, you will find the attendee accounts!

To register several attendees for an event:

After completing the registration for an event, you will be given the option to register someone else:

Click on that button, choose your next attendee and you’re on your way!  Loop through until you’ve registered all attendees, then you can make one payment for all that you’ve registered.

Adding a new attendee to your team (new to MSR, no prior account):

While logged in, under “My Account”, click on the “add person” link to set them up!

Revoke control (applicable to both attendees and lead):

If you’re a lead and an attendee from your team leaves and or if you’re the attendee and you need to leave a team, to revoke control you can log back into MSR, under “My Account” click on “Account relationships”, find the attendee/yourself and click on “revoke”.