How to Print Membership or License Hard Cards

If your organization has hard cards set up for your membership or licensing credentials, you can easily print them using the following method:

Registration or profile page:

  • Locate the individual's profile or registration from within an event
  • Click the arrow next to the credential name
  • Select Print hard card

In Bulk

Need to print multiple credentials at once time? Head over to People > Credentials:

  • Filter as necessary
  • Select individuals you'd like to print for or select the checkbox in front of Choose an Action to select everyone
  • In the Choose an Action field, select Print.
  • Click Generate PDF
  • Print

Need to print a card for a membership or license that has not yet expired?

Go to People > Credentials:

  • In the Choose an Action field, select Print.
  • Click Generate PDF
  • Print.

Self-Service Memberships and Licenses

If you have enabled self-service memberships and licenses, your participants can view and print memberships and licenses from their own profile.