How to give someone admin access to your account

Admin access refers to the level of permission granted to an individual within an organization to access specific information or areas necessary to perform their job duties determined by their role and responsibilities.

Roles - levels of Admin Access: 

  • Eventmaster - This is the highest level of administrative access available in MSR. Eventmasters possess the authority to grant administrative access to other users within the organization.  This role can be compared to leadership positions within a club or organization, where individuals are responsible for key decisions and management.  It is advisable to have at least two Eventmasters associated with your account to ensure adequate coverage.  Only users with Eventmaster access are authorized to update the organization's banking details.
  • Staff - This role provides administrative access across the entire organization; however, it does not allow the user to grant or revoke administrative permissions for others.
  • Registrar - This role is specifically focused on event management. Registrars do not have access to administrative settings, reports or banking information.


Once a role has been assigned, permissions define what actions users can take regarding the information within the account.

  • Read - The capability to access and view all information within the account without the ability to make edits or remove any data.  Please be aware that users with read-only access will be unable to utilize the check-in feature during events.
  • Write - The ability to modify all information within the account, while retaining all existing data without the option to delete.     
  • Delete - The capability to view, modify, and remove information from the account.

Giving Admin Access

The following steps will walk you through giving admin access to an individual:

  • Start by navigating to People.
  • Search to locate the member's record or add new (+). If you cannot locate the member in your database but believe they may already have an MSR account, you can utilize the promote feature.  After promoting them, be sure to click "Save" to add the new member to your account.
  • Locate the  Username & Password section and then click on Edit Permissions.
  • Check the boxes in front of the appropriate access.
  • Save, and you're done! 

At MotorsportReg, we uphold a policy that prohibits the modification of administrative permissions for individual users.  All changes to administrative access must be carried out by an Eventmaster.