How to Add or Update Classes and Groups

Creating a New Class or Group

Start by going to the organization Settings (left side menu) → select Classes or Groups under the Customization menu

Scroll down to Add A New Class/Group. Fill in the Abbreviation and Long name fields. The abbreviation field will be displayed in reports and on administrative screens (Registrations and Entries). The Long Name will be displayed to attendees on the registration form and the public entry list.

Make Available

If your adding a new class or group for a specific event, checking Make Available will automatically add the new class/group to the event's segments. If your event has more than one segment, it will automatically add the new class/group to both segments which may not be desired. If the new class/group only applies to one segment, use the Add classes/groups to the event segment instructions below.

Example: The event has a Saturday segment and a Sunday segment. The new class is specific to Sunday. Checking Make Available for the new class will automatically add it to both Saturday and Sunday's segment.

Click Save Class/Group when finished.

Add classes or groups to the event segment:

To add a class/group to an event, go to Events > locate the event and select Event Settings → Event Segments.

Check off the classes or groups that you will need for your segment as shown below.

Add class or group to Form Builder

Navigate to the Form builder and locate the entry package (blue car icon) in the Parts Bin.

In Edit on the right side of the screen, scroll down to the Entry Options, select Class or select the drop down list to Force assignment to: (the newly created class).

Select Save when finished.