Gift certificates are a great way to generate additional entries and income for your organization. If you are interested in offering these, here is some information to help setup a gift certificate event.
Start by setting up a separate event dedicated to Gift Certificate sales. Within this event, create packages with varying dollar amounts ($50, $100, $250). When someone purchases a gift certificate, you'll want to send them a follow up email with either a specific discount code that they can use or you can add a credit to the recipient's profile.
Some things you might want to consider and information you might want to include in the gift certificate event:
1) Do you want it to be valid for one year only?
2) Do you want it to be applied to all events? Or do you want to restrict it?
3) Make it clear in the event as to the process. For example, "You will receive an email confirmation with a coupon code or credit that can be used for one-year only."
Ready to setup an event? We have a template for that! Go to Events and select Add New Event:

Choose Event or Template:
Select Gift Card Certificate Sample

Edit the Event Name, Location (you could make this your headquarters address), enter event start/end dates (hint, use a calendar year so people can purchase gift cards throughout the year) and Registration open/close dates.
Don't forget to update the advertisement and pre-reg pages so purchasers have all the information they need to purchase gift cards.