Premium Plan customers can create surveys or hold club elections through Elections are special versions of surveys that guarantee anonymous, aggregated results for a secure ballot.
Questions are used to collect responses to meet your data collection needs. These allow for
- different answer types
- setting the questions as required or optional,
- and the ability to set a response limit ("select up to 2").
When creating your survey or election questions, you can reorder them at any time simply by dragging and dropping them:

There are several options available when setting up your survey or election:

Like events, each survey or election is hidden until the Visible flag is set to yes. At that time it will be listed on your landing page and it will accept responses between the start and end dates.
Members Only
You can enforce member verification on the elections to:
- Allow only approved members in your parent organization
- Allow only approved members in your organization
**Note: those orgs that have the membership validation checked in account settings will not be able to send to "approved members in org" if they are not set up like the big accounts below. You'll have to uncheck that feature in the account settings to allow the members to participate in the election.
How do the last two differ?
For organizations with National offices like BMW CCA, PCA, SCCA and Audi Club, option 1 refers to anyone with a valid National membership where option 2 would check for a valid chapter or region membership.

You can also download the raw data.
For elections, the results will be locked until the end of the election as set before locked. The results will also only be available in aggregate to protect the secret ballot.

Once saved, the following attributes will no longer be editable by the organizer:
- End date
- Locked flag
The results are not visible until after the end date for an election.