If you are experiencing Excel files that won't open, or Excel will open, but the workbook will not- here's some steps that will help restore reporting functionality.
You will want to Add MotorsportReg.com as a Trusted Site to your OS. To do this:
- Type "Internet Options" in the Start Menu on your computer
- Go to the Security Tab → Select Trusted Sites → Click Sites
- Enter: https://www.motorsportreg.com → Click Add
It is important that you use https://
This will allow MotorsportReg.com to be on your list of trusted sites, and files should open. You will need to re-run the report.
For Windows 10 Users:
- Type "Internet Options" in the search bar
- OR -
- Right-Click on the Window Icon → Control Panel → Network and Internet → Internet Options
- Go to the Security Tab → Select Trusted Sites → Click Sites
- Enter: https://www.motorsportreg.com → Click Add
It is recommended to add the URL through this method, and not the individual web browsers.