SCCA Majors number pools - preventing duplicates

To prevent duplicates in your events while using a national number pool, you'll need your classes and groups to EXACTLY match National. 

National's Group Names (updated for 2024)

Abbreviation Name
Big Bore Closed Wheel Big Bore Close Wheel(GT1, GT2, GT3, GTX, AS, T1)
Small DOT Closed Wheel Small DOT Closed Wheel (STL, STU, T2, T3, T4)
Small Bore Slicks Closed Wheel Small Bore Slicks Closed Wheel (BS,EP,FP,GTL,HP)
Big Bore Open Wheel Big Bore Open Wheel (FA,FC,FE2,FX,P1,P2)
Small Bore Open Wheel Small Bore Open Wheel (FV, FF, F6)

Both the abbreviated and long group names will need to be  identical to national's groups in order to properly sync. Note, an extra space or character can break the link.  

To use national's numbers, follow the steps below to rename your groups and link to national's pool. 

Create Groups (to match the Major's group names - do NOT rename your existing groups).

  1. Organization Settings > Groups

Link to National's numbers

  1. Event Settings > Segments
  2. Click the segment name
  3. Use the drop down to set Number Config to the public pool for your division 
  4. Choose only the corresponding classes and groups as pictured above and map them.

Note: If you combine or move classes from one group to another, the system will no longer acknowledge the link for that class and duplicated will be allowed. 

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